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2020 Week 9: Detroit @ Minnesota

Run by Dalvin Cook - short of the goal line or touchdown?
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The ruling on the field is down short of the goal line.

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After Further Review:

incorrect correct

Rule hint:


Item 1. Down by Contact. Whether a player was down by contact while in possession of the ball.


It is a Touchdown if any part of the ball is on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line while legally in possession of an inbounds player, provided it is not a touchback.

2020 Week 9: Houston @ Jacksonville

Pass by Deshaun Watson - complete or incomplete?
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The ruling on the field is an incomplete pass.

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After Further Review:

incorrect correct

Rule hint:


Any forward pass (legal or illegal) is incomplete and the ball is dead immediately if the pass strikes the ground or goes out of bounds. An incomplete pass is a loss of down, and the ball returns to the previous spot.

Note: If there is any question whether a forward pass is complete, intercepted, or incomplete, it is to be ruled incomplete.

A catch is made when a player inbounds secures possession of a pass, kick, or fumble that is in flight. An interception is made when an opponent who is inbounds catches a forward or backward pass or a fumble that has not touched the ground.


  1. It is a catch, or an interception, if, in the process of attempting to possess the ball, a player secures control of the ball prior to it touching the ground, and that control is maintained during and after the ball has touched the ground.
  2. In the field of play, if a catch or interception has been completed, and the ball comes loose before the player is down by contact, it is a fumble, and the ball remains alive. It is also a fumble if the action occurs in the end zone of the player who caught the loose ball. If the action occurs in the opponent’s end zone, it is a touchdown or a touchback.

2020 Week 9: Green Bay @ San Francisco

Catch by Devante Adams - touchdown or incomplete?
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The ruling on the field is a touchdown.

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After Further Review:

incorrect correct

Rule hint:


A touchdown is scored when:

  1. the ball is on, above, or behind the plane of the opponents’ goal line (extended) and is in possession of a runner who has advanced from the field of play into the end zone
  2. a ball in possession of an airborne runner is on, above, or behind the plane of the goal line, and some part of the ball passed over or inside the pylon
  3. a ball in player possession touches the pylon, provided that, after contact by an opponent, no part of the player’s body, except his hands or feet, struck the ground before the ball touched the pylon
  4. any player who is legally inbounds catches or recovers a loose ball (3-2-4) that is on, above, or behind the opponent’s goal line
  5. the Referee awards a touchdown to a team that has been denied one by a palpably unfair act

Any forward pass (legal or illegal) is incomplete and the ball is dead immediately if the pass strikes the ground or goes out of bounds. An incomplete pass is a loss of down, and the ball returns to the previous spot.

Note: If there is any question whether a forward pass is complete, intercepted, or incomplete, it is to be ruled incomplete.

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NFL ‘You Make The Call’ Officiating Rating 3 Star
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