The NFL's Workplace Diversity Committee has presented modifications to enhance the effectiveness of the NFL's Rooney Rule. These policy updates are part of the league's ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

"Since the inception of the Rooney Rule, we have seen the rule adopted across business sectors and considered an industry best practice to increase diversity," said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. "The policy updates made today will bolster the current Rooney Rule requirements and are intended to create additional opportunities for diverse candidates to be identified, interviewed and ultimately hired when a vacancy becomes available."

Updates to the Rooney Rule include:

  1. Clubs must interview at least one diverse candidate from the Career Development Advisory Panel list or a diverse candidate not currently employed by the club
  2. Clubs must continue best practice recommendation of considering multiple diverse candidates
  3. Clubs must maintain complete records and furnish to the league upon Commissioner's request
  4. If final decision-maker is involved in the beginning, he/she must be involved through the conclusion of the process.

The committee also endorsed accountability measures if clubs fail to comply with procedures outlined in the Rooney Rule. ​

Adopted in 2003, the Rooney Rule requires every team with a head coaching vacancy to interview at least one or more diverse candidates. In 2009, the policy was expanded to include general manager and equivalent front office positions. The Rooney Rule is named after the late former Pittsburgh Steelers owner and chairman of the NFL’s diversity committee, Dan Rooney.
