The NFL announced its continued partnership with the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) and RALIANCE. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the league is highlighting the NFL's national and local partnerships that provide year-round resources to educate communities and support survivors that includes more than $50 million in donations since 2014.

For more than eight years, the NFL has provided financial support to The Hotline in its mission to shift power back to those in the U.S. affected by relationship abuse. The Hotline remains the only national, 24-hour, year-round resource for survivors offering services via call, chat, and text. Through funding from the NFL, The Hotline was able to answer over 400,000 calls, texts, and chats in 2021 alone. Additionally, support from the NFL has helped The Hotline connect survivors with over 200,000 referrals to shelters and domestic violence service providers and over 190,000 referrals to additional resources across the nation this past year.

The NFL and The Hotline have renewed their partnership for another three years through a grant from the NFL, which will empower The Hotline to continue their direct services and grow their capacity.

"We are extremely grateful for the NFL’s renewed commitment and support to ensure all those impacted by domestic violence have access to The Hotline's 24/7 services,” said Katie Ray-Jones, CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “This is coming at a time when survivors are needing services more than ever. We are experiencing the highest contact volume in our history. Together we must do more to advocate for expanded resources for survivors and ensure access to services. The road ahead for true systemic change is a long one and it will take all of us to ensure that relationships are healthy and free from violence. We are encouraged whenever an industry leader, such as the NFL, steps forward to stand with and support survivors".

With the NFL's support, RALIANCE was created in 2016 to unify the national sexual violence field to better support victims and survivors. In addition to supporting their general operations, communications, and advocacy work, the NFL and RALIANCE have awarded nearly $3 million in grants to prevention programs and projects that support survivors and make communities safer. Using an intersectional approach to prevention, the majority of the 68 projects funded to date were awarded to programs serving people of color, LGBTQ+ communities, people with disabilities, religious minorities, immigrants, young people, and others who often are heavily impacted by sexual violence.

This month, the NFL has renewed a three-year grant partnership with RALIANCE to expand their work with grantees by offering more resources, prioritizing grant funding to organizations at the intersection of sexual misconduct prevention and social justice, and with other organizations to provide them with the right tools to create a safe environment when it comes to sexual harassment and abuse.

"We are proud to partner with the NFL in the years ahead as we work to change cultures to prevent and end sexual violence, misconduct, and abuse," said Sandra Henriquez, founding member and Managing Partner of RALIANCE. "Through this generous grant, we will be able to advance our mission to help organizations across sectors create inclusive and safer environments for all. We look forward to the work ahead."

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